14th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies

Nov 21-22, 2018, Organized by the Department of Computer Sciences, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Conference Sponsorship Information

Furnishing a medium to channelize your brand name, an opportunity to mingle with national and international researchers and dignitaries Get noticed, by placing your mark on our conference website and venue

Sponsorship Packages

Silver (100,000 PKR) Gold (300,000 PKR) Platinum (500,000 PKR)
Logos and acknowledgement on conference website Logos and acknowledgement on conference website Logos and acknowledgement on conference website
Logos on media wall on event days Logos on media wall on event days Logos on media wall on event days
Logos on abstract handbook Logos on abstract handbook Logos on abstract handbook
Logos in proceedings Logos in proceedings Logos in proceedings
A brochure of your choice to be given to all attendees with conference bag A brochure of your choice to be given to all attendees with conference bag A brochure of your choice to be given to all attendees with conference bag
3 conference passes for the whole event 5 conference passes for the whole event
A banner outside conference halls
1 booth at venue
Opportunity to address the audience
Account Details

IBAN: PK50HABB0002940003461103
BANK NAME: HABIB BANK LIMITED, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

*Kindly email the proof of transaction at icet2018@qau.edu.pk