\title{Your Title Here\thanks{978-1-6654-5992-1/23/\$31.00 ©2023 IEEE}}
Dear Editor/Reviewers,
We thank you for taking out time to review our manuscript in detail. We have followed up on the advice received and revised our manuscript. The new version takes into account individual comments by each reviewer. In this document we are reproducing the reviewer comments that we received. Our response is included in-line and highlighted within the text.
[Author Name]
Reviewer 1 Comments
Comment 1: Change the figure on the page 1 to make it better, etc. etc.
Answer 1: The figure on page 1 is now changed.
Comment 2: Delete the table on page 3.
Answer 2: The table on page 3 is now deleted.
Reviewer 2 Comments
Comment 1: Increase the size of the literature review.
Answer 1: We have now carried out a systematic literature review and added 50 papers in the discussion. Please check.
Comment 2: Your similarity content is quite high. Recommended rejection.
Answer 2: We have now reduced the similarity content to address reviewer concerns. Please check aagain.
Note 1: There is an alignment bug in IEEE conference template if authors are more than 3.
This can be fixed by adding the following code below the title, and then, whenever there is an indentation issue of author, use \linebreakand
instead of \and
. This should be typically used after every 3rd author.
This should fix the indentation to:
Note 2: Remove 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. from Author Names.
Note 3: If the author affiliation of all authors is the same, and there is too much repetition of the same university affiliation again and again, OR If the number of authors in a paper are more than 6, OR If some affiliation is very very long, and looks bad in the column format, then you may use the IEEE Conference Long Name Format (given below):
Michael Shell\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}\IEEEauthorrefmark{3},
Homer Simpson\IEEEauthorrefmark{1},
James Kirk\IEEEauthorrefmark{2},
Montgomer Scott\IEEEauthorrefmark{2} and
Eldon Tyrell\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332
Dept. of Computer Science, National University, Peshawar
Twentieth Century Fox, Springfield, USA
Corresponding Author: omar.kh@nu.edu.pk
This gives the following alignment:
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